You may remember last summer we were in need of emergency repairs to the coolant system of the rooftop air conditioning units. The repairs were successful, but unfortunately, in June when temperatures reached 100 degrees, both compressors that cool the southside of the Achievement Center completely failed. The remaining 2 on the northside are on life support. We also learned that the older air handling system will not support new equipment. These air handlers are also used for bringing in fresh air and heating it during the winter.   The complete overhaul is $480,000.  The new system has been ordered, but due to supply chain demands, the new AC equipment will not be received for 6 months.

We have no choice but to limp along with the air handling unit through this summer. We will need to purchase at least one compressor, which is available in a week, to give relief to the participants.  The bid for the one compressor and labor is $30,000. Our HVAC vendor will install the compressor almost immediately. Please keep in mind, we currently have 90 plus participants in this building, and it feels unbearable. When it’s in the mid-90s outside, it is in the 100s inside.   I humbly ask that you consider giving generously to meet this critical need. Donations can be made by clicking the Donate button at the top of the page.