Reconciling to God, Family and Community since 2004

“It was for freedom that Christ set us free, therefore keep standing and do not be subject again to a yoke of slavery.” Galatians 5:1

Now Hiring!

Come join our team! FreedomWorks is now hiring for several positions. Click here to look at the available job opportunities.

Isaiah 6:8

 "Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me!” - Isaiah 6:8 Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Sheldon Desmond. I am the Volunteer Engagement Specialist at FreedomWorks. My...

Appreciation for Ron’s time and talents

At a recent TNC we shared our appreciation for the time and talents that Ron has brought to FreedomWorks over the past year. Ron has been a blessing to the ministry in so many ways, not just managing the day to day financials, but in his leadership, his guidance, and...

Oh how our garden grows!

Thanks to the amazing volunteers from Excelsior Covenant Church, the U of M Extension and our participants, our garden looks amazing! The fruits of their labor will be used by JailBreakers and given to the community at the Outreach on alternating weeks. Speaking of...


Christian community that transforms lives through personal accountability, service and fellowship



Donate to FreedomWorks


Your gift helps keep our programs and facilities operating. Thank you for your support!



Volunteer Opportunities

FreedomWorks is always looking for awesome volunteers to help in all areas of our community. We are always in need of MENTORS that can walk alongside one of our program participants.




Straight from the heart – Listen to what some of our men have to say about FreedomWorks.




(A Pathway to Independent Living)


 The Transitional Programs


Sponsored Treatment Lodging

FreedomWorks partners with various outpatient treatment providers, one of which offers services on our campus. The treatment providers cover the participants’ lodging in our sober community.


Board & Lodging Support

FreedomWorks supports board & lodging for men who qualify through state funding (formerly known as GRH). Participants will need to attend to a program structure and be working towards independent living.


Self-pay Sober Living

This opportunity is for working men who desire to be involved within the FreedomWorks community, but are not necessarily suited for our other options. These men live together and commit to sobriety

It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.

Galations 5:1

 ReEntry & AfterCare

This opportunity is the rock of FreedomWorks and outlined with the gospel of Christ. This is a working, self-pay community of men who are learning to build their lives upon Biblical principles.

This eight-month structured program intends to guide men into a closer relationship with Christ.

This program is also available to those in any of the Transitional Programs at any time. Graduates of this program have earned the privilege to participate in our Independent Living Program.

Who Do We Serve in the ReEntry and AfterCare Program?

FreedomWorks exists primarily to help former offenders who are returning to society from incarceration reconcile to God, family, and community.  We provide guidance and structure to men who are trusting Jesus to change them through the comprehensive, life-long aftercare that transforms justice involved offenders into courageous peacemakers, committed criminals into upstanding citizens, and absent fathers into loving dads.

What are the phases for the ReEntry and AfterCare Program?
Matthew 28:18-20 “…Go therefore and make disciples of all nations…teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you…”

Our ministry process is made up of 4 Phases:

Phase I: “Transition” Galatians 5:1
Our men learn to live in freedom while they develop trust and credibility

Phase II: “Transparency” Ephesians 4:22-25
Our men exercise their openness in relationships while building their personal support network.

Phase III: “Transformation” 2 Corinthians 5:17
Building their new life along side their support network, our men start to work on new goals for their next steps in their life of freedom.

Phase IV: “Reach Back” 2 Timothy 2:2
Our men continue to experience new freedom as they reach out and back to both to the local community as well as the FreedomWorks community.

What is the ReEntry and AfterCare Schedule?

Reentry & Aftercare Weekly Schedule

6:00 to 6:30 pm – House Meeting (FW will provide light dinner)
7:00 pm – Community Bible Study

6:15-8:00 pm – Connection -Fellowship and Dinner with FreedomWorks Alumni, mentors, volunteers, and community. All R&A participants are required to attend.

2nd Friday of each Month – Food Drive:
5:00 pm – Be on the van by 5:00 PM, to ride with the group. We will arrive back at the residence at or before 9 pm.
5:30 pm – If you have your own ride, please be at the address above by 5:30 pm, and stay until the food drive ends.
The Food Drive is held at the Grace Evangelical Free Church, 755 73rd Ave NE, Fridley

Weekend Expectations
Recovery group – R&A Participants are required to attend a weekly support group of their choice.
Local Church service – R&A participants are required to attend a weekly church service of their choice.

Independent Living

Graduates of our Reentry & Aftercare program and those that have one year of sobriety and employment are eligible to participate in our individualized program.

Some members are fully self-employed while others are in our HWS-I state sponsored independent living model. Men in this model are continuing to work towards reducing their use of state funds.  

And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesss entrust to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others.



Making a Change

The Revolving Door Stops Here

Upon release from incarceration, an ex-offender is left with many obstacles to overcome, and often has no job, no home, very little money and few opportunities for a better life. Faced with these realities, many fall back into crime because they see no other options.

People who go back to the same place, hang out with the same friends and do the same activities get the same result: more prison. Right now, the national average for recidivism (returning to prison within three years) is 65%.

At FreedomWorks, the graduates have a recidivism rate under 8%. And for every ex-felon we keep clean and sober, we’re saving the state of Minnesota $37,500.

Our six to nine-month ministry process focuses on helping former offenders reconnect to their family, their faith, full-time employment, the recovery community and the local church.


Our Campus

Administration Building
2900 Fremont Ave. N
Achievement Center
2912 Fremont Ave. N
Recovery Community
2929 Emerson Ave. N
Minneapolis, MN 55411

Lyndale Branch
4659 Lyndale Ave. N
Minneapolis, MN 55412

Call Us

Fax: 612-588-9917


Bread of Life Food Pantry

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