This month, we searched for a person who selflessly helps others, both within and outside of FreedomWorks. One name consistently came up and that is Keo! Keo dedicates his time to multiple churches in the area, offering services in various ways such as painting, floor stripping and waxing, unloading trucks, and even distributing candy at outreach events.

Keo stated that his relationship with Christ has grown to a whole new level since coming to FreedomWorks. By serving and helping others, he feels closer to God and hopes to show other men how the power of Christ can positively impact their lives. Keo has been with us since November of 2022. One piece of advice that Keo wants to offer is, “Give Jesus a try. You’ve tried everything else, so don’t sacrifice your future for a moment of pleasure.”

Thank you Keo for all that you do!